Friday, May 8, 2009

Kyoto Autumn Leaves (Kyo-nishiki)

This is Shoyeido's "daily series" incense. Not really sure what Kyoto's fall is like, but this almost immediatelly transported me back to Odessa of my childhood. Sometime in September/October when enough leaves have fallen from trees, those who had summer homes(Ru. Дача[dah-chah]) would rake the leaves in their gardens into big piles and burn them. The tourist season is over and it gets really quiet. All you hear is the light wind blowing the falling leaves around with a realy faint aroma of leaf smoke in the air. Maple, acacia, oak, appricot, wallnut... I am sure I am missing many others. The light smell of leaf smoke is how I remember the fall season in as a child.
The listed ingredients are Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Patchouli and Benzoin.
The aroma is true to it's name, almost too much so, which is why I prefer to burn it with wide open windows, otherwise the smoke might be too overhwellming.


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