Monday, June 15, 2009

BeckoningSpring (take two)

This is my second try of BeckoningSpring from Shoyedo.
Incense Diary: BeckoningSpring

This time around the smell seems more gentle. Yes, there is a distinct fresh cedar-like smell, but it feels more muted than the first time I tried it. A couple of "cedar" sticks I've tried before had a much sharper tone than this, but the scent is so focused on that one particular character, that I can't even begin to detect other things. If feels like a right aroma for the winter. I won't be buying this one individually any time soon, but I just might do another round of the Premium Sampler as I am finding most sticks on it too complex for me to deal with at this time
rating: 5
ingredients:clove, benzoin,patchouli,borneo camphor
characteristics: yang, resin, cut wood

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    There are very few incense blogs around, but there are some. In addition to Olfactory Rescue Service, which you list, there is now also and, but all three come to a pause now and again. It would be good if you could start up your blog again, and get some kind of incense blogging community going!
